gavinljohnstonMay 15, 20213 min readPolitical Courage. What is it and where do we find it?I'm heartbroken today as the socialists in my City's CLP completely let me down. Last night I was thrown out of my CLP's Zoom meeting by...
gavinljohnstonMay 6, 20214 min readHow to Lose Hartlepool - A Morons Guide.So you're a Labour Party member and you want to lose Hartlepool. The room echoes with Laughter. "It couldn't be done", "Lock him up",...
gavinljohnstonFeb 28, 20214 min readWhere next for the Left? The Streets or Perhaps, The Courts?Firstly, a little history The vast majority of British People are Left Wing though so many are convinced by the medias half educating of...
gavinljohnstonFeb 24, 20214 min readA Key Labour Court Battle & Nobody Told You?Today saw the first preliminary hearing for Neslen and others vs Evans, a key Labour left court case seeking to serve justice for eleven...
gavinljohnstonNov 1, 20205 min readEffective retaliation. A guide for Socialist MP's and Unions.The lefts greatest quality is also its greatest vulnerability. You are fundamentally good people. When I strategise against the Tories I...
gavinljohnstonOct 31, 20206 min readThey Attacked Jeremy. Time to Fight Back!I'm furious and I bet you are too. Lets start by making my position clear. NOW IS THE TIME FOR A CIVIL WAR! In a war we all need clear...
gavinljohnstonFeb 20, 20203 min readThey came for the Kayakers but we stood with them and they could never come after us.The Agriculture Bill provides a wonderful opportunity to provide protections and freedoms to millions of ordinary working class water...
gavinljohnstonDec 17, 20194 min readLabour doesn't need a Leader; We need a plan.The Labour party just suffered a major defeat and lost the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. All kinds of people out there are trying to cast...