I'm furious and I bet you are too. Lets start by making my position clear. NOW IS THE TIME FOR A CIVIL WAR! In a war we all need clear orders.
Ground: Hostile.
Situation: Under Attack from an enemy within.
Mission: Establish a Sustainable Socialist Labour Party.
Execution: Rejoin, Recruit, Pressurise your MP's for a No Confidence Vote, Retake the NEC, Take Your Council Seats and Dominate Conference.
Service and Support: Momentum will be providing our main network of support. Unions and affiliated groups will also provide varied levels of specific support.
Command and Sigs: There is no hierarchy. This is a network of hundreds of thousands of comrades. Lean on one and other for support and ideas.

The ground is terrible underfoot. Every step you take you could trip a membership mine that will blow you out of the party. New definitions of antisemitism are particularly lethal and ought to be banned through an international treaty so cruel and indiscriminately they strike. Recent EHRC reports described just 0.3% of Labour Members being involved in some level of antisemitism. Meanwhile 97.7% of members have been victims to some degree of friendly fire. Ensure that you are careful not to make yourself vulnerable by ending the discussion on Antisemitism until the ground has been fully cleared. Clearing the ground is not one of your objectives today!
The Attack
Former Labour Party Sunray Major (Jeremy Corbyn) has been attacked by a small group of deep cover agents who have obtained high office within the party. They are part of an elite careerist class that has taken over the party since the 1970's when many of our veteran comrades where injured (some fatally) in the Kinnock Assaults. However, socialist numbers raised when the enemy made a mistake in 2015. Socialist are still great outnumbering the enemy by at least a ration of 3:1 with over 300,000 battle proven comrades now holding over 5 years experience including honors such as the 2015 Leadership Race, the 2016 Chicken Coup, The 2017 Election Landslide and thousands of dispatch mentions for; CLP victories, Conference Victories, MP Selections, Council Takeovers, Councillor Selection Panel Takeovers and more.
40 votes of No Confidence are required to trigger a new Leadership Election and we have 4 years to recover as a party before any General Election will take place. A lobby of some 34 Labour MP's are members of the Socialist Campaign Group. These should be 100% reliable. A further 40 or so can be assumed to be friendlies. Another 40 or so neutral operators exist too who may be enraged by the anti democratic attack this week. That gives approximately 124 comrades inside of the Labour PLP who we can lean upon for a vote of no confidence in the current Sunray Major.
The Party is part way through crucial NEC elections which could make or break the chances of socialism in our lifetimes. A divided left will never win because Blair refused to implement the 1997 election pledge of electoral reform betraying our movement and the nation. We must take these positions!
In May 2021 a rollover council election will be taking place giving us a crucial and long anticipated opportunity to deal a blow to our most powerful enemy lobby. These Councillors have undermined our movement for years selling off socialist housing to developers, paying less than a living wage and using their power to damage the democratic socialist leadership of our former Sunray Major. From 2017 to 2019 our comrades took many positions on Labour Councils forming significant voting blocks across the length and breadth of Great Britain. However, many did not have the knowledge or confidence to take up these fights and the enemy continues to hold a majority. May 2021 provides us with a unique opportunity as 2 thirds of UK Councils will hold "All-Out" elections and the others will have one third of positions up for grabs. Two coveted NEC positions are available if we gain a majority of Councillors.
Annual Conference
Conference was cancelled this year even though digital options where available. However, it will be back in August regardless. Our comrades have dominated conference since 2017. Our Labour North comrades recording over 86% solid left delegations. However, motions and rule changes have been diplomatic and weak. Appropriate for the peacetime conditions we have been living in since 2016 but now we are war.
"Secure a Sustainable Socialist Labour Part".
"Secure a Sustainable Socialist Labour Party".
Rejoin and Recruit: Comrades must rejoin and recruit as many Labour Party Members as possible. There has never been a more important time to be in the Labour Party.With Members leaving we can not win. Remain in the Party. Recruit more people and Vote in the NEC! Comrades who leave now after voting will lose their NEC votes! Get your family and friends to join, share recruitment drives on social media and recruit for Momentum membership too as they will play a vital role.
Pressure and MPS: MP's only ever respond to pressure. Some respond to pressure from the establishment press through twitter who use manipulations such as prophetic suggestion to fool the gullible idiots. Our best strategy is a Letter Campaign. Write to your MP's expressing your lack of faith in Kier Starmer and make a special effort to write to all 34 members of The Socialist Campaign Group.
Other strategies to consider are; Tweeting, Attending MP surgeries, Passing Motions of No confidence in Kier Starmer at CLP's, Branches, Unions and Affiliated organisations and hosting debates on deselecting your MP if they do not vote no confidence in Kier Starmer. Remember they work for you!
Retaking the NEC
The NEC will decide the rules of the party. In the case of a leadership election they will decide who can and can not vote. The author was a critic of the CLGA slate until this attack took place. However, when under fire discipline is required. Vote for the Slate along with 3 other candidates. The Author recommends voting as follows:
CLP: Laura Pidcock (CLGA)
CLP: Gemma Bolton (CLGA)
CLP: Nadia Jama (CLGA)
CLP: Mish Rahman (CLGA)
CLP: Ann Henderson (CLGA)
CLP: Yasmin Darr (CLGA)
CLP: Crispin Flintoff (Independent)
CLP: Julie Reid (Independent)
CLP: Roger Silverman (Independent)
Treasurer: Esther Giles (Independent)
Youth: Lara McNeil (CLGA)
Take your Seat on the Council
Its time comrade. You have 5 years experience. Lesser people have taken positions in half that time and done half the job you would have. you spend more time on politics than most professional Councillors already and you know it now cos you know them and have seen them "at work".
Every seat is mandatory re-selection and you could be the British Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by pushing out an establishment big wig Labour Leader who hasn't been deserving of the position. Do it! Be the Change!
This is crucial for the sustainability of Socialism in the UK and ultimately winning the war. A good result here will take decades off the war and save countless lives (Literally). Upon completing this objective you must elect Socialist Labour Council Leaders and 2 Socialist representatives for the NEC.
Dominate Conference
We have done this before but owing to the COVID-19 virus the enemy regained control in August 2020. The membership lost its voice and conference its sovereignty. Select Socialist delegates to attend conference in 2021. Ensure your CLP sends a full delegation with no excuses as hand counts matter. Email your secretary today asking when the CLP will be selecting delegates and how and make sure every comrade knows. They phone-bank, text, email and chat with every single comrade to make sure they know where and when to cast their vote.
Email your secretaries suggesting motions to debate for conference and appropriate rule changes too. The secretary has to include any motions emailed more than a week before any CLP meeting.
Service and Support
Momentum formed as an organic movement of people across the length and breadth of Great Britain. Groups in every city found one and other connected through a common goal of electing a socialist as the Sunray Major of the Labour Party. In-spite of Momentums period under an undemocratic leadership the movement that was still is. Get your groups back together whatever you call them nowadays. Don't listen to the central offices for instructions but instruct them on how you need supported with data, finance and materials. Be a part of this and have faith in the newly elected Leadership of Momentum.
Command and Signals
Our movement has achieved its greatest victories by working as a network. A web of many individual groups and people communication and collaborating in every direction. Don't be restricted by an assumed hierarchy or chain of command. If you have ideas and successes share them with the network that your comrades may repeat them. Work across regions and find out who has the tools, skills and knowledge that you need. We all have Zoom nowadays and a Dropbox.
Any Questions?
No. Good. Well volunteered comrade. Its great to have you on board.
One final note. fight righteously with your head held high. Yours is the side that has fought and won every right and pleasure the working class enjoys in this country. Freedom from slavery, freedom over your body and the freedom to vote to name but a few. Your already the hero in this story.
Further Reading:
For a look at how our MP's and Unions fight back please see my article below.